Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

ASHEVILLE CITIZEN-TIMES, ASHEVILLE, N. SUNDAY, JUNE: 9, 1946 Section B--Page THREE SOCIAL NEWS WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES Medlin Is Engaged To Naval Ensign ABERDEEN-Dr. and Mrs. Erbie MI. Medlin of Aberdeen have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Gloria Gray Medlin, to Ensign Camiel Robert VanderVoort.

United States navel reserve, of Hanco*ck, N. and New York city. Ensign Vander Vort is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Camiel J.

Voort of Hanco*ck, N. and New York city. He is a graduate of the Hanco*ck schools. He attended Harvard university and after joining the continued there the communications division. was on Fie duty in the Pacific abord the U.S.S.

Copahee for 11 months, and is now stationed in Washington state. Following discharge he will enter Harvard Law school. The wedding will take place in July. WESLEYAN GUILD PLANS MEETING ON THURSDAY CANDLER The Wesleyan Service guild of Montmorenci Methodist church will meet Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at home of Mrs. Fred Plott.

Mrs. W. Candler, they HOWARD STUDIO HAYWOOD ST. Owned and Operated by R. P.


T. M. Beck of Marion have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Iris Elizabeth Beck, to Robert P. Williams, son of Mrs. W.

F. Kilpatrick, 22 Sulphur Springs road, and the late G. W. K. Williams, June 2 at the Kenilworth Presbyterian church.

The Rev. Paul N. Gresham, pastor, performed the ceremony. After wedding trip to New York and Canada the couple will reside at 197 Kimberly avenue temporarily. Ralph Bell DOUBLY BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND ENSEMBLES FROM BELL'S Brilliant diamonds framed in exquisitely styled mountings.

Combinations of rare perfection representing the utmost in quality and value. A 3 diamonds in the band support the solitaire $8950 Carved 14k gold settings 6 bright diamonds $11950 Impressive 8 diamond pair. Rings of 14k gold $15000 Prices Include Federal Tax Extended Charge Accounts, Of. Course! Ralph Bell JEWELER 10 College St. FINEST DIAMONDS AND SILVER Miss Powell To Be Feted 'At Club Party Plans to honor Miss Maud Powell, bride-elect of Maj.

Alexander Reyburn Gordon, with a party Thursday night at 8 o'clock in the horne of Mrs. Tom Posey, Lakewood drive, were made at a meeting of the Toujours Gaie club Friday night in the S. and W. cafeteria. Hostesses for the event will be Mrs.

Charles J. Posey, Miss Dot Thomas and Miss Kitty Young. Miss Young, president, presided at the meeting. Young Group Entertains With Dance The Misses Kathryn Mull, Joel Barlow and Dorothy Carrelli entertained with a formal dance Friday night in the Kenilworth Community center. Refreshments were served during the evening.

Chaperons were Miss Betty Mullinax, Z. B. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. E.

O. Buckner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barlow, Mr. and Mrs.

R. Mull and Mrs. Mike Carrelli." Miss Mary Howie and Bobby Armstrone, were dancing awarded couple. a prize Those present were: The Misses Beverly Bainbridge, Frances Whitfield, Kathryn Ray, Barbara Jean Joyner, Madge Alexander, Agnes Carrelli, Mary Neely Howie, Nancy Alexander, Eleanor fa*gan, Carmel Adler, Pat Murphy, Carole Benfield, Pat Wells, Nancy Nye, Millicent Cooley, Betty Lou Stepp, Ann Sternberg, Pat McManus, Barbara Buckner, Betty Jo Hyatt, Frances Cuthrell, Mary Nell Hart, Ginger Grand, Elaine Reams, Becky Plemmons, Lois Barlow, Mary Ann Barlow, Patsy Basinger and Beverly Nall. Larry Adinton, Jimmy, Gardner, Larry Michalove, Rabell, Brownie Schaefer, Robert Gilbert, Bob Mull, Buddy Thomas, Bill Sudareth, Bill Daniels, Jimmy Lewis, Gene co*cke, Owen Norment, Dave Fulton, Bobby Armstrong, Jerome Pless, King Hastings, J.

B. Pierson, Ray Coppedge, Hooper Alexander, George Lofquist, Bill Trainor, Sammy Lindsey and Lawrence Field. METHODIST CIRCLES WILL MEET TOMORROW Circles of the West Asheville Methodist church will meet tomorrow as follows: Circle No. 1 will meet with Mrs. Verna Clark, 895 Haywood road at 8 p.

m. Circle No. 2 will meet with Mrs. E. F.

Magruder, 30 Swannanoa avenue at 8 p. m. Mrs. Grace Hardy will be associate hostess. Circle No.

3 will meet with Mrs. J. C. Delozier, 867 Haywood road at 3 p. m.

Circle No. 4 will meet with Mrs. Frank Redeer, 31 Bear Creek road at 3 p. m. Circle No.

5 will meet with Mrs. R. H. Davis and Mrs. Mary Lowry, 54 Madeline avenue at 3 p.

m. Circle No. 6 will meet with Mrs. J. B.

Ledbetter, 184 Brucemont circle. at 3 p. m. -Photo by Culberson. TO WED THIS MONTH Miss Maud Blow Powell, daughter of Mrs.

Alice Fulford Powell, whose engagement to Maj. Alexander Reyburn Gordon, has been announced. The wedding will take place on June 29 at Kenilworth Pres- Miss Banister Is Married To Mr. McCoy Mr. and Mrs.

G. R. Banister of 256 road have announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Betty Gene Banister, to Leonard McCoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.

T. McCoy of Belton, S. June 1 in Belton, S. C. Mr.

and Mrs. McCoy will make their home in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Martin and daughter, Miss Anne Martin, have returned to their home in Edenton after a visit with Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Burleson, 682 Merrimon avenue.

FREE DELIVERY On All PRESCRIPTIONS And Sick Room Supplies Phone 15 GROVE PARK PHARMACY 250 Charlotte St. Waechters Silk Shop 64 HAYWOOD STREET Just received 100 yards of White, Genuine Irish Linen Crash for Dresses, Skirts and Suits 36 inches wide 2.50 SHOP AT WAECHTER'S For quality merchandise and Personal Service. Shop By Mail Phone 1430 Samples On Request BIGELOW WEAVERS Stair and Hall Carpet twenty-seven inches wide, in typical Bigelow-Sanford quality, awaits your choice at Burton's. A stunning floral design on a Rose background, a two-tone Blue, and a two-tone Green are available. Beside their use for Stair and Hall, we can casily make either room-size Rugs or wall-to-wall Carpets.

enters Burton's from the Parking Lot in back of Ivey's temporarily! furniture Mrs. Turbyfill To Talk To Club Mrs. L. Turbyfill will speak on "Milk Glass" during a of the Vetust Study club meeting, night at 8 o'clock in the home of 4, Mrs. N.

B. McDevitt, junior chairman, will meet in the church at 3 p. m. The Business women, Mrs. J.

J. Craig, chairman, will meet with Mrs. C. M. Morgan, 45 Clinton avenue at 8 p.

m. The Young Ladies circle, Mrs. Clyde Plexico, chairman, will meet in the home of Mrs. Frank Laetsch, 116 Longview road at 8 p. m.

Mrs. Charles R. Hunter, 20 Caledonia road. CONANT SCHOOL FOR BOYS PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES 287 Pearson Drive WILL MEET TOMORROW and Day School. College The circles of the West Asheville preparation.

Rapid progress by our Presbyterian church will meet to- individual method. Boys taught how to study. Summer school Junemorrow. September. Parents are invited to Circle 1, Mrs.

W. A. Blair, chair- confer with the Headmaster by sppointment. Telephone 750. man; Circle 2, Mrs.

Frank Bell, chairman; Circle 3, Mrs. Frank WILLIS CONANT Headmaster Townesend, chairman, and Circle To All the Girls Home from School We extend an invitation lo come in and see our New Cottons Bought just for you Biltmore Forest Shop 2 Miles Building--Battery Park Are. PHONE 6248 ASHEVILLE JOHN CARROIL SOCIETY AND CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY 3 p. -The Alpha chapter of the state Mu Pi Mu meets with Miss Novella McIntire, 12 Broad street. TUESDAY 3 p.

Busyettes will meet at the home of Mrs. F. Powell 90 North Griffing boulevard. 8 p. Veteut study club meets at the home of Mrs.

C. R. Hunter, 20 Caledonia road. 8 p. Kiffin Rockwell post, Americano courthouse.

Legion, auxiliary will meet WEDNESDAY 1 p. -Miss Lottie Salley's book group the AAUW meets at the home of Mrs. J. W. Moore, Black Mountain highway, for a picnic.

3. p. -The Edward Buncombe chapter of the D. A. R.

meets at the George Vanderbilt hotel. THURSDAY 8 p. party will be held for Miss Maud Powell, bride-elect, at the home of Mrs. Tom Posey, Lakewood drive, by the Toujours Gaic club. SATURDAY 7:30 p.

buffet supper and keno party will be held at Biltmore Forest Country club. MRS. MORGAN TO TALK TO WEST HAVEN CLUB SKYLAND--The West Haven Community club will have a picnic luncheon at the Bent Creek recreational area Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Grady Morgan of the Buncombe county health department, will be guest speaker.

Mrs. M. A. Dumas will conduct a devotional and Mrs. W.

J. Corn, president, will preside. Members planning to attend have been asked to be at Corn's store at 12:30 o'clock. SKYLAND METHODISTS To MEET WEDNESDAY SKYLAND The Woman's SOciety of Christian service of the Skyland Methodist church will meet Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. R.

W. Roberts Hendersonville Albethe Kinzey will be roadsociate hostess. Mrs. S. B.

Lee, president, will preside, and Mrs. H. F. Donovan program chairman. GRADUATES Will never regret exchangnig their Photographs with their classmates.

Make vour ADpointment earlv. Gutterson. Portraits SPECIAL FOR JUNE BRIDES WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS 50 for $7.00 or 100 for $10.50 PRE-WAR QUALITY TWO SETS OF ENVELOPES CASH IN ADVANCE MUST ACCOMPANY MAIL ORDERS ROSE PRINTING CO. PHONE 2920 95 College St. Asheville distinctive fashions Riot of Colors Feature the Summer's Smartest Showing of Cotton Dresses Gorgeous new prints in a thrilling array of colors and a few solid pastels for good 3 measure in one and two-piece models for a glorious summer wardrobe chambrays, balloon cloths, ginghams, piques, eyelets, spuns dresses you'll wear so many times and so confidently this summer, from 14.95 Sign the Pledge of the American Housewife-Co-operate-Save Food..

Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.