Louisiana Journal from Louisiana, Missouri (2024)

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The Journal RIDAY APRIL 1G 1880 Oregon declares for Tilden Tally were driv ehction St Demoe What Now'? Court CONVENTION AT SEDALIA well Wonderful Cures Dispatch forget the interests of despotism Missouri Missouri Politic and andlol Harlow of breach of was taken to Shelby house about Mo corn babes recent city election Out of nearly five polled their candi reeeived only 148! but nothing to back He Ter and now in St winter $109 Mary Meriwether Edwin Steel Haruh Harding Men) It Bibb Janies I lleaaer Jas Vaiurhanlamer II Wellslames II Iwwla Ge Dougherty Newton Kales I 1 II Harding Itulla Beuucliaiup PltOBtTi COI KT IMH KEIt Ketllenrenl llstkH Mny Term IMN0 toon man small canism can the party in this State as it does a very large led as sheep to the slau A telegram from (ion Stewart shows that the Grant men of this district are having things all their own way Stuart Carkencr of this city and Post Muster Buck ner of St Charles are the delegates to Chicago Major Day of Mexico and Col rickle of Warren are put on the State Central Committe (in the place of Grabenhorst and Bry son) and Col A Thin son editor ol Montgomery City Ray is elector All are strong Grant men A dispatch from Washington City announces the arrival there of Mr Halstead the distinguished editor of the Cincinnati Commercial reports that the Anti Third mers have got Grant busted that the Presidential contest is between Sherman and Blaine with the chances in favor of Sherman He dined with Sherman shortly after his arrival and it is po silde that his presence will cause that person to linger a lew days longer under the singular hallucination some other It seems now that Kellogg will retain his seat in the Senate until next winter as some ol the Demo cratie Senators are not disposed to take up the question sion At the late York will be well and ably repre sented Among the list are many of the leading men in the different Stephens of Columbia is announced as a candidate for State Senator in the Boone District The city election of Spi ingfiehl Mo i esuiled in an entire Demo Ira'ic victory with the cx option of three of the officers Sedalia redeemed herself from Repnblcan domination at the city election last Tuesday Every Democratic candidate for Alderman was elected together with the entire city ticket with two exceptions Thus Sedalia takes her stand on lhe side of Democracy along with Pettis county and the State of Mis souri The white lend works of Moffet Sargeant at Joplin Jasper eoiiny were destroyed by lire a few days ago throwing 150 men out of employment Loss $250000 insurance only $27 000 At a recant meeting of the stock holders of the Audrain county fair association John Daniel was elected President and John Steele Secretary Improvements on the fair 'l 'minds are lo be commenced at Republican of the best rvprescH May con st Louis attended The Greenback party got another lack eye at the ia Kansas City thousand voveB date for Mayor Plenty of pluck it John a switchman at Mober ly had both his feet eut off by the cars and otherwise injured a few days ago While engaged in switching he aim ed to stp on the step of the engine but missed it with the result above stated i In Vernon county a few nights ago a Mr Adams his wife and his two chil dren attempted to cross a stream that was past fording ami were all swept away by the swift current and drowned together with the team they ing The case of Miss Maggie Paris against Ketchum for promise of marriage which from Monroe circuit court was tried at Shelbyville last week and resulted in a verdict in favor of Miss Harlow for five thousand dol lars The steam ferry boat at Herman on the Missouri river was burned last ri day When it took fire there were three lady passengers on board and all were obliged to jump into the river Three the daughters of Mr Lemuel Price of Ijoutre Island were saved but Mrs Kedhorst of Warren county moth er of six children was drowned The residence of Mr II Poage of Monroe city was destroyed by tire last Thursday morning The burning was caused from a defective Hue in lhe kitchen where a fire had been started to eook breakfast Most of the hold goods were saved Los? $1200 insurance $750 A brick house at Waverly together with 22000 bushels of 1HH bushels of millet seed 50 of hay IS 000 bushels of grain ami four horses were burned a few nights asors but they element in No amount of argument possibly affect the mase of Whatever General Henderson ami Ids followers may be able to do in preventing nomina tion at Chicago it is very evident that they can do nothing to hinder a Grant delegation from this State It may be true that the mere intel Geneual John Marmaduke is in the field lor Governor lEAt'ViLty Colorado has circled a Democratic city ticket tlirough Witb Western Democrats never learn the real animus of the Radi cal war upon Samuel Tilden Surely they ought and it tliuy or cannot they are unfit to possess a government He is hated because he represents the power the virtue ami the availability of the Demo cratic party He is hated because lie was robbed of property rightfully bis ami because in liis heart of hearts every honest Republican in the land to day knows that Hayes is an usurper and that the fraud which made him President was a ime against the political civiliza tion of the country ami a coure which is yet to wreak its vcngeaca Mr Tilden is kept pr minently be fore the people because him the great party of which lie is the gram! leader and adviser may be injured or brought to shame By forgery by perjury by collusion with federal courts by every species of weJ'are known to Grantism or the Radical managers are seeking daily to blacken Mr character and put hin on an mpmlity with Hayes Robeson Belknap ami Conkling If the Democrats anywhere chime in with this or if by act or deed or spoken word they yield to this clamor or endorse it ever so lightly they dis honor themselves and help hurt their own organization Democrat It is growing more ami more evident that Mr Tilden while he may not be the nominee of the Cincinnati Convention is certainly the strongest man now in the field and if the convention were to assem ble to day ho would poll by far the largest vote on the first ballot The only objection ottered to Mr Tilden is that he carry New York Now it is hardly ptobable that ho will be put forward unless he is thought to be the stronger man fur that State and it is by nft means certain that he would be weaker with the Kelly oppwrtion than some other man without that opposition if he consents to make the nice and is nom na cd New York may be safely counted for the Democracy Will it James Thurmon Elixaloilh Mmidny II Allen tt Alien Vanhorn Robert I Turner John A rier Emma inley Willie Eaten Mary Campbell Ida and Ewi McCuen Lizzie and Carlo lilrt Tailor Katie Harvey Juhi Ebuu Tinsley than was polled the same day i Kansas Citv Both places wet The Troy suggests the idea of an convention to be com posed of the editors of the papers in Northeast Missouri and extends for such a convention a welcome to Troy hospitality Tins timidity of Denv'crats in congress in hesitating to do right because some one might not like it is much to be censured If Kellogg is shown by the evidence in hand to he not entitled to his seat kick him out otherwise let him rip The Anti Grant organization comprises ninny of the best repre sentative men of the party or rather many men for they arc hard! tative Renublicans The vention to bo he! promises to The United States Supreme have adjudged the Pike county township railroad bonds to be valid and judg ments have been given in favor of the bondholders The County Court has made an assessment for their payment and the collector of the county is de manding the taxes and when refusal is made is seizing the property of the taxpayers and advertising it for sale This is the brief recital of ft matter now agitating the minds of our people ami exciting general discussion I pro pose briefly to examine the question ami in order the more intelligently to do so shall put it in the form of this proposition viz: Should resistance In made to the col lection of these taxes or should we ac cept the decission of the Supreme Court as a final settlement of the mat ter ami make arrangements quietly and promptly to pay them upon de mand In order to simplify the solution of the proposition itis necessary to revert to the fact that the tax payers first refused to make payment on these bonds for the reason as they claimed that the terms of the contract upon which they voted this iiidebk dnes were not complied with This refusal brought the matter into the courts and jn resisting the pay ment of the bonds the tax payers in voked as a defence the unronsiitiition ulitv the Township Aid Art of 1868 under which the bonds in question were issued The Supreme Court of Mis souri in pas iiig upon this question held that act to be unconstitutioind and the bonds issued thereunder to be void But prior to this decisaion by the Supreme court of Mo the Su preme court in Harshman vs Bates county held the same view but subse quently overruled that derision and held the bonds issued under that act to be valid Thu final result up to thia time ot the litigation of this question in the ederal and State courts is a conflict of opin ion the first luinied courts holding these bonds to be valid while the latter adjudge them to Im void In view of these facts the absorbing question of 1he hour is whnt course hIihII the tax payers pursue It is no longer a question ns to whether lhe bonds are valid or in valid for that innlter lias been settled to the full extent of the power of the courts lo settle it The State Supreme court has been called upon to conform its opinion to that of the I' Supreme court but determinedly refuses to do so The Supreme court has been urged to bring its deris ion into conformity with the decision of Supreme court of Mo and this il positively declines to do This makes a ami different issue from any here tofore presented by any phase of this unfortunate question The bondhol ders Haunt the decision of the ederal courts in the face of tax payers and ex ulting) say must you shall pay these these tax payers defiant ly Haunt the derisions of tlie State courts in the face of the bondholders and say we don't owe the bonds we pay the bonds If obedience is given to the mandates of the ederal courts it is disobedience to the decrees of the Statz court On the other hand if the decisions of the State courts are observed the judge ments of lhe ederal courts must Im disregarded The taxpayers thus occu py a vexatious and uncertain positionV hat shall they do! Who will solve the difficulty Il is no longer a prob bun of dollars and cents but resolves itself into a great principle of ederal or Stab supremacy it reaches beyond a men question of vested rights suscep tible of an equitable adjustment be yond the domain of expediency or in expediency and outside of the legiti mate sphere of compromise and has become a question of supreme impor tance winch interweaves itself with the fundamental doctrines that underlie our national ami State governments If the ederal courts have acted within the legitimate bounds of consti tutional prerogatives jf it is a quest i which they have the right to adjudica without regard to the adjudications thereof by the State courts then this shouhl ue me emi oi me wnoie matter Joseph nun ami resistance to the payment of thns should cease iwit on me othei hand if the decision of lhe ederal court upon this question in view of the holdings of the Supreme court of the State is unwarranted without prece dent a usurpation of authority and in derogation of the rights of the people reserved to them by the constitution of the general government then this de cision should be scorned and eon tenmed and no peaceable effort cost whatever it may should be left untried by which it is possible to suppress the enforcement of judgement so flagrant ly subversive of the constitutionally vestezl rights of the whole people and so shamefully violative of undevi Uol McClelland of La fayette the Warrensburg Journal says will enter the race for the con gressional nomination in the Sev enth district It seems to be understood that lion John Walker of Howard is a candidate for State auditor The Advertiser warmly com mends him Auditor Holliday is a candidate for the same position The Memphis Conservator speaks favorably of Judge Louis Din ning of Washington for Attorney General 1 udge Ray of Carroll is mention a probable cimdidate for nomi nation for the supreme judgship Sam Boyd of Marshall is called on i he a candidate for circuit judge in that district but the Saline county Democrat says he will not accede to the request The Kirksville Democrat urges A Woods of Adair for secretary of state and a number of other pa pers in North Missouri second the nomination Tav of Johnson is an nounced as a candidate for the State Senate in the Seventh district In Johnson county four candi dates ae already announced for Sheriff three for Treasurer and from oi to two for various other county offices The Bowling Green Post Obser ver comes out for Hon A Camp bell of St Louis for Lieut Govcr Mc'BEitiY is going to build a ha'l in which to entertain lief convention She has as much enterprise to the square inch as any town in the State Tiik Republicans oi Iowa Mis souri and Kentucky held State Con volitions Wednesday Iowa instruct ed for Blaine Missouri and Ken tucky for Grant The congressional nomination in the Eleventh district is in mand Be ides Switzler ami Col More of Boone Gen John Clark of Howard the present member ami McDaniel oi Saline are avowed candidates The Saline Deniacrat speak favorably ot Clark but says it i lor McDan iel The Richmond Democrat hoars Capt arns of Ray frequently sin'kcn of a candidate for the i lmgresHional nomination in the Ninth district and say that be has aliout made up hi mind to make the contest He was a member of the last constitutional eenvention ami representative in the Twenty There are many people in Pike HliitV who want a staunch and re linble Democratic paper ami one that will be devoted to home inter est and local affairs as well The present year will be full of great political events in which every good citizen is vitally interested We call the attention of those de siring such a paper to the JoWRKaL under its present management We hope that our Republican iriends throughout the county a' they have no home organ will also ex amine and subscribe for the Jour nal In political matters the paper will be Democratic but at the same time always will never Pike county St Joseph is going to have a Union Depot to cost $150(lt0 A lrv goods store in St Joseph was entered by burglars a few nights ago and bolts of lines silks worth $2500 stolen Wheat took another tumble Dmis last Saturday No 2 red $111 cash Mny $111 June July 97 the year 92 Treasucr report for the month of March shows a ballance in Treasury of one million nearly 'four hundred thousand KeV Buchholz Waseca Minn used St Jacobs il in the ca of a lalv of his congregation who hail been bvf iilleli witii Klu uinat ism for seven teen years She llfieil the il for tiller days and was able to leave her bed Mr Schaffer No Brown street Allegheny City hntl the Klieutna tisin for eight years and had used every known luodiriue without relief A sin gle bottle of St Jacobs Oil cured him Gustav A Hviliiiaii Esq editor of Pittsburgh Daily ietiblican suffered with Rheumatism for two years am! lay many a night unable to sleep on ac count of terrible pains Two bottles of St Jacobs Oil cured him Wilke Lafayette Ind reports a ease where a man suffered so badly with Rheumatism that he uid not move His leg ware swollen and he had the most terrible paina Twelve hours af ter the first application of the St Ja cobs Oil the pains with gone ami the swelling hail disappeared Henry Schaffer Millersburg Ohio was cured of Rheumatism in the hips Witt Cleveland Ohio Rheu matism in the leg Cured after three ap plications Henry Lear Patriot Ohio had siicli a pain in his shoulder that he could imi fiiove St Jacobs Oil cured him after a few applications Vrena Gugclmaiin aged 59 years living in Rochester Rheumatism in legs: could not walk Used botile of St Jacobs Oil ami felt as she asserts like new born Christian Hanni Youngstown Ohio is full of joy vt the wonderful cure of his wife by St Jacobs Oil or twelve long years she had suffered with Neu ralgia in the head and often had the most terrible pains Half a bottle of St Jacobs Oil cured her entirely William Reinhardt Elmore Vis re Iiorts ns follows: St Jacobs Oil is real a wonderful remedy for I could men tion dozens of eases where it has prov ed its magical inHun One ease in particular 1 will state: I know a man who has suffered with Rheumatism for the last twenty four years and of late he could hardlv move around After using a few bottles of St Jacobs Oil he was entirely cured Seim Esq South Adams Massa chusetts writes: Allow me to inform you how much tmm1 St Jacobs Oil has done in this neighborhood A woman had the Rheumatism so badly that she could not even attend to her wash Three applications St Jacobs Oil cured her Her joy seemed to have no bounds Huxh Hmnuwrs" At 'iTvairtiktvit (jiirrpii 1 AUUrunt ur azir Taylor rier Jhu MIry Atwlraw Me Moore Ellxa A Otwell John PearauM Anna llirt Adiiiaoa Tlualey Second day TtUMMlay My 11 1880 11 Mariwather Patton John rey A Manno Etl I Heaattr tar Vauxltati fl Shipp Win Pollard Jabex Oouxhaiiy Abel Kolas utingly observed principles of judicial Wails Sr Joe will soon boast ol a unionlepot Its cost will not exceed $150 000 interpretation in reference to local or State laws It is only the enunciation of an al most universally accepted principle to say that the Supreme court of a State is the only true interpreter of a State law except as to whether or not it is in conflict with any provision of the Constitution or law passed in pursuance thereof and that whatever interpreta tion is placed it upon such law is of binding force and effect and is to Ih observed in that light by all other judicial tribunals the Supreme Court of the United States not excepted This fact is not only accepted as such on ac count of its universal recognition but because it grows out of the character and nature of our dual form of govern ment and is as to the main tenance of its harmonious action its well being and prosperity as that the interpretation of a United law by the Supreme Court should be accepted by the State Courts and be by them held inviolate To hold other wise would bring about constantly re curring discord ami eventually result in confusion and anarchy Ami the same reasons that warrant this conclu sion with equal force apply when by some circ*mstances a quest ion of inter 1 pretation properly belonging to a given court first gets into some other court and there receives an interpretation afterwards given it by the court whose special province it is to interpret it and require that the court in which it was first interpreted should in after deeis sions conform its opinion to the inter pretation placed upon it by the proper tribunal having special rights in the premises To violate this principle is to wrest violently from the whole peo ple vested rights of the most sacred order to do which is an iniquity much greater as compared with the vested rights of a few bondholders who are to be protected by its violation as the mountains are larger than mole hill That the Supreme Court after over ruling its former decision on this ques tion as if they were playing leap frog: for their own aiuusemeiil did violate this principle there is no question and are therefore chargeable with having wilfully discarded a finidameiitai maxim of American jurisprudence and with having flagrantly usurped a pre rogative which is reserved by the con stitution to the State courts by virture of their relation to the people Entertaing this view of the question at issue I not hesitate to say that if the judgments of the ederal courts in reference to these bonds can he legiti mately evaded or defeated that respect for their own rights and their devotion to the principles of ami their detestation of tin usurpation of unwarrated authority should induce the people to spare neither time trouble nor expense in order to accom plish this result Ist them calmly ami dispassionately meet the issue that the bondholders backed by the iniquitous decision of a court that has usurped authority in order to do their Induing have forced upon them ami appeal to our own courts for protection against the rob bery which these bom! scculators eek to Hrpetrate under the form of law ami in defiance of the decisions of a tribunal of justisc that alone has legal authority to settle the question as to lhe constitutionality of the law under which these bonds were issued Ami even should defeat come to this effort remember that the people are supreme ami that they arc the wiirce of all jiower judicial as well as legis lative ami executive ami that ten years suflices in which thoroughly rcinod dle our court of last resort through the ever effective ballot box ami that the question nt stake is one of principle a principle so sacred by reason of its intimate connection with our political welfare as to demand of the people curliest ami persistent defence (jriNTt ATT THE LATEST STYLES IN MILLINERY This week at the Great Dry Goods House of WORTHINGTON COMPANY Walking Hats Taadies9 Dress Hats Sun Hats Misses and Hats lowers TipsTrimmings and Ornaments ZRZEZN'IITEZkZEZBIHXR A HAL THE PRICE USUALLY CHARGED BY MILLINERS MAIN ST NEXT DOOR TO PO The Popular Resort of the People WORTKtNCTOKXCO fhofessional MORROW GRAY mORHEYS UW i 1 I co*kneis and GKomiiA WiEEouri i1 it A agg Reynolds agg ATTORNEXS AT IAW Mam Str over Juzrpli ullock'a lo Iv rorTy Sion Anderson Jr ATTOKAIBY AT LAW Urn I IN ALL THECOUilTa ol th SrlJ iKlicial Circuit ov IrwiuA Gauuil alore LuoM ulv22w lilt A MACKEY Physician and Surgeon IIII INIANA MO Uli Vi Ilin lrug Store IMli aui Iv ntio li el MURRAY Attorney at Law LOUISIANA MO JOHN MATSON ATTORNEY AT LAW LOUISIANA MO Office over Ofllce 1 1 i i New Advertisem*nts JM Guile IT A cover inul book 2lu ICO1! 1 An roi oltGVXS Jl atopx Ui'i'ils 2 knee swell Nlool book onlv ilollaii II lit I rale IJatulozue fire Aililreks lliiniel BeiUly Washington New Jersey RI8HT ATTRACTIVE CHEECUL Mra ill JlcNilr AVrlall'a rw Bonk THE COMPLETE HOME Pallor PRACTICAL INORMATION The yoan Uouekccptr a a TheEapertcnwd iloutKeeer RTEKDi oQM'(dair Omnif Dril AftciJint Bickncii MldrB Company Marnttirs Religion Moraltt afuilr Oovcnimcnl and iHUhitud cf oth ill iTcliahuw make Ute Heme HhAXTlVL AXMsaof more praotleal utility will befOUBdOUABMiO Ot iUEpiraUOU" 7 stnn ucate UPPnirn in city bume 1V KLh and Poor IWKCiUEU IneH Aomiee LJ J'ounp andOltt iM PAMlaClmr Bountiful Illa tuff Srlundi lllus Aoa0pri AGENTS McCIJKI Ar Si Mo DKAJ KB IN All the latest and best styles of and BOOTS SHOES HANDSOMEST On 30 Days Trial Custom work done to order ar 1 (aeorfiii Street iNMtof Main 61y78 Take the Journal TAPE WORMS INALLIBLY CltltKII willi two i i tu or thku limit's bo! IGH IIC lnr all4 with rt imp II Ell IvllUKNNo St lare New York We will aenl our Rlwtro Vollilc Bella tu oilier Electric Appliance upon trial Tor lliirlylava lo those Iroin Nervous lielility Kheumaliani Paralviia or any lreise ol the Llwr or KiUw mauy oiImt A riir rurv gmiritiilel or on Al I( Vullaiu Bril Cd Marshall Mich STOCK IN THE CITY PRICES TO IT EVKKYONE CEBI JUS JL 7" SucvMr A McCune arries the Cheapest Stock of Staple and ancy Groceries Provisions Ijusim and Hm ITT LOUISIANIA Tlxirci axxd Streets HIGHEST imiT PBltK PAW Ol HL K1IBS 01 C8H1TRY PRODUCE I have secured the services of Mr Charles Vale who will assist me in waiting upon Customers KI bensOns: CAPCINE? A a Physicians say iltey are in every way Superior to the or dinary slow acting Porous Plasters used for this purpose Tonsorial Parlor QKOBGIA BET 4tH AND 5TII 8T LOUISIANA MO I have aecurcil the aervlcs of a flrat elasa workman Horn Providence ICIioile Island and am prepared lo Kive you as good a abave or hair rut as ran be bad anywhere iood work the beat reiereuce HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET vm un or swihp: Leaving New York every Tburaday at 2 ENGLAND RANCE and GERMANY Tickela to and from Europe at lowest ratea or paaaaga apply to Kiehard Co General Paaaeoger Agent Broadway New York or to their Agtata mneh 4t Also I lols near Hill street on North arolina with two storv tr une hou room good nowintern good well and on' Uv ld'i Diet tbo a verv line farm 5 miles Loui i ma 240 acres 700 apple trees Hx plum trees loti peach trees a log hon witli rooms anil poarch Well watered splendid cattle lurm Price Sto per acre Also a bt in Draper's addition with Iranie house with 4 rooms very near here the canning house istobe erected SS2 Also Vlt acres id land near station oil Salt river Pike county Mo part bottom ami part hill land well wooib Price S3 per acre TERMS TITLE PERECT Those winning good bargains al close ligules will consult their interest by calling on 20feb 8w T'I )S ANDERSON JR inal Settlement NOTICE is hereby given that the Administrator Nally cvnbcd will make a final settlement hi ac eounm at lhe next term of the i obaie court oi Pike rotmly to be hr! I at trven rummeuciiur on the scomi Monday in May A CHAS NAILE4pril 4 Administrator NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS OK Out At Ire to ajeenta and all ex rnw a paid Address II Sliaw Allied Me 17717 A YEAR ami exmnea to Agents Out $4 nt ree Address VIChLRY Augusta Maine TO ADVERTISERS Ixwest rates lor adver tising iu 70 goml wspajH rs sent tree Ad dress Rowell A Co 10 Spruce 1.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.